Here is a super easy way you can help our non profit today!  

The USTA and Michigan State University has approved our non profit as a Red Dot Ball tester! They are researching ways to make tennis more accessible and easier to learn. We have been teaching and using these low compression balls for years so you have definitely played with them before if you have taken a lesson from us. All our coaches are setting up Red Ball Game Play for this survey. Please  fill out this 4 minute survey about Red Dot ball (low compression ball same as the yellow/orange ball).  Each survey will provide a donation of $15 to our non profit mission so thank you very much!  

Make sure to use LoveSetMatch as the court Location so our non profit gets credit for the survey.  Please share with friends if they have red dot ball experience or want to come to one of our Red Dot games meetups.  Parents, your kids can also fill out the survey as well and contribute to the non profit. There is no tracking or email list sign up!

2 thoughts on “RED DOT BALL GAMEPLAY”

  1. the low compression ball was helpful to be able to swing harder without the hall flying out of the court.

    I am curious if there was a purpose behind the red dot.

    1. Thanks for asking Lance. I am not sure if there is a scientific purpose as there are both Red Dot and Green Dot balls. I think it’s just a separation between the levels of compression for each ball. Thanks for trying them out did you fill out the survey?

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