Our Coaches

Meet the team working to train unsupported kids and adults into healthy individuals through Tennis, Fitness & Education.

Coach Phillip Kim

LoveSetMatch coach's profile picture.

Hi, I am Phillip Kim better known as Coach PK! I am the Director of Tennis for the Monterey Park and head tennis instructor at the historic five star Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena. I have a federal background check in place to teach children and adults and have worked with hundreds of tennis explorers like yourself. I am just as passionate about improving your tennis game as I am my own!

  • Private one on one lessons in the Monterey Park, San Gabriel Valley, Pasadena, Downtown Los Angeles, Echo Park and Los Angeles area
  • Tennis pro at the Langham Huntington Hotel Pasadena
  • Lead Tennis Instructor City of Monterey Park Recreation
  • Lessons.com Voted Best Tennis Coach
  • Tennis Instructor LA County Belvedere Park
  • USTA Trained Instructor
  • Conga Sports Approved Coach
  • Safesport Approved & Girls in Sports Certified
  • USTA NetGeneration Approved Coach
  • Federal Background check from USTA, Langham Hotel & City of Monterey Park
  • Chair for USTA SubCommittee on Diversity & Inclusion
  • Former Director of Tennis for the City of Azusa
  • Fully Vaccinated
  • Sage Oak Charter School approved instructor
  • HomeSchool Social approved instructor

Greetings From PK

I offer personalized one on one instruction for discounted pandemic pricing of $80 an hour in Monterey Park for one on one and $50 per person for Semi-Private up to 4 players. I teach the 5-star system to create fast improvement and rapid results. My rate is $20 less than you would pay at iTennis and with most other private tennis instructors. Many students tell me they learn more with me in one hour than they have in years of lessons or playing tennis! So proud of them!

My rate is $20 less than you would pay at iTennis and with most other private tennis instructors. Many students tell me they learn more with me in one hour than they have in years of lessons or playing tennis! So proud of them!

I offer:

  • Personalized one on one instruction for discounted pandemic pricing of $80 an hour in Monterey Park
  • $50 per person for Semi-Private up to 4 players
  • Teach the 5-star system to create fast improvement and rapid results
  • NOTE: For requested lessons outside of Monterey Park, I ask that a $20 travel fee is added to the hourly rate.


  • Safe Play program approval​
  • Best of 2018 lessons.com ​
  • USTA Trained & Certified Coach​
  • Approved Background Check by USTA​
  • Completion of USTA Junior Team Tennis, Net Generation Providers, and Officials SafeSport​
  • Conga Sports Tennis Pro Network Certificate​
  • Girls in Sports Certified Coach​
  • Tennis PRO at Langham Huntington​
  • Charter/Home School Physical Education Provider​

Lesson Details

Option 1: Private Tennis Lessons: $80 / Hour

I offer personalized one on one instruction for discounted pandemic pricing of $80 an hour in Monterey Park for one on one and $50 per person for Semi-Private up to 4 players. I teach the 5-star system to create fast improvement and rapid results. My rate is $20 less than you would pay at iTennis and with most other private tennis instructors. Many students tell me they learn more with me in one hour than they have in years of lessons or playing tennis! So proud of them!

My rate is $20 less than you would pay at iTennis and with most other private tennis instructors. Many students tell me they learn more with me in one hour than they have in years of lessons or playing tennis! So proud of them!

I offer:

  • Personalized one on one instruction for discounted pandemic pricing of $80 an hour in Monterey Park
  • $50 per person for Semi-Private up to 4 players
  • Teach the 5-star system to create fast improvement and rapid results
  • NOTE: For requested lessons outside of Monterey Park, I ask that a $20 travel fee is added to the hourly rate.

Option 2: Group Tennis Lessons & Classes in Monterey Park

My staff and I teach group classes for the city of Monterey Park for about $45 an hour and a large portion of that money actually goes to the city of Monterey Park Recreation and Family Services! If you join my classes you will receive the best tennis instruction for the best value anywhere in Southern California. To get this amazing deal, simply register for our 6-week classes through the City of Monterey Park. Classes are 1 hour and available Wednesday evenings for intermediate or Saturday mornings. These are some of the loveliest tennis people I know so I am sure you will fit right in! Sunday afternoon class added!

Option 3: Langham Huntington Hotel $100 / Hour (+ Hotel Court Fees) Now Reopened for Members and Guests Only!

I am the teaching pro at the historic Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena (formerly the Ritz Carlton) and can be booked for lessons through the front desk for members and Hotel guests only. Contact me about joining our Tennis Cardio or community tournaments.

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